Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hey Mikey I Think He Likes It

So what should I talk about tonight? Michelle getting Booed at a Nascar race? Ahem no no no cant talk about that... but Nascar fans are supposed to be the dumb ones right? Well maybe that tells you what the rest of us are thinking about ALL you politicians. Its about time you heard it in your ivory towers. I only wonder what took so long? Most of you should have been run out of town on a rail years ago. (Look it up, looks painful :)

But I digress, got scolded to watch my cussin, seek higher logic & clarity. I'll try but I aint making no promises. Im a construction worker by trade & I got a bone to pick with the powers that be so dont expect no miracles. All I got to offer is just some good old fashion common sense .

Now where was I ?..... Oh yea we were talking about a new energy policy for this country & I said we'd get to some things later. Ok just so we're all on the same page here. We were talking about how electricity plus water equals hydrogen & oxygen & how we can use that to power our economy. Now in our previous post I left you with two basic questions. How do we make so much renewable energy it over flows our electric gird into making hydrogen? Why would we want to use it as a fuel for our vehicles?

Ok fair enough, but let me tackle the second question first. The answer to the first question could fill a book so I'll deal with it in later posts.

So why would we want to use hydrogen as a fuel for our vehicles? Well for one thing V8 engines run fine on it. A few years ago BMW built the 750i/h It ran on gas, ethanol, natural gas, propane, & hydrogen. Can you say freer market? It like many other great ideas vanished from the face of the earth. Ford & others have been experimenting with them too but you can bet govt regs will make sure they never see the light of day. When a V8 engine burns hydro its almost pollutant free, batteries? Yea toxic, you dont want that stuff in the ground water, bad mojo.
So our factories get to keep building the same cars they've been building all along. What else is good about hydro? Well you'll never run out for one thing. No exploring to do, no drilling, no shipping, no refining, no pipe lines to send it through, no trucks to haul it to the stations.
We will still have to do a lot of these things just not for motor fuel, mostly for power plants, diesel & jet fuel. All because you make it on the spot E+H2O= H&O.
You can even make it in your garage but shhh.  Dont tell the govt or you might find your butt in Gitmo. Hydro is explosive when mixed with oxygen which is why its never been used in vehicles before. What's that you say? You dont wanna drive a bomb?
Yea I hear ya, relax BMW solved that little problem too. The tanks they built were made from carbon fiber & bullet proof with pre engineered stress reliefs. Whaa? It means they break where they want them to break in the event of a collision, venting the gas away from the car. Ah Germans gotta love em, meticulous craftsmen, they think of everything. We used to be like that, I want to be like that again!

Think about it, if gasoline were discovered for the first time today could you ever get it approved as a motor fuel? I'll save the trouble no you couldnt!

Been catching some ows flack lately seems they think Im talking their lingo. Yea you can just stow that right now. This is about saving America one bright idea at a time & thats it! NOT about getting off fossil fuels or creating a socialist utopia or whatever hair brained idea you've got in your head

Its about getting the USA off foreign sources of energy, keeping that money HERE & keeping America the top dog in the world. Time to let the dogs out. Look out world America wants its cash back.

Apparently some people missed this part of the beginning so I have to repeat it:          

Please note I am for everything we can think of.
Nukes, drilling, mining, wind, solar, hydro, weird, whatever, if you can think it I like it :)

The only thing I 'hate' is foreign energy.
Doing it cleaner is a noble goal & should be our guide but lets not get crazy. Even though I will discuss green tech & energy here it wont be the kind of BS the govt is trying to feed you. (I hate repeating myself so dont get used to it)

Till next time, Ladies, Gentleman & All Ships at Sea, 

Have a good night everyone

If you call yourself an American & you've never seen this clip, shame on you.

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